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There are two main methods of wire rope lubricant, oil and grease. Regular maintenance tasks should include lubricating your wire rope. Both oils and grease work in the essential task of lubricating wire rope. This is necessary for corrosion resistance and preventing damaging friction which causes excess “wear and tear”.
We stock a number of wire rope lubricants and other rope tools here at Rope Services Direct.
The product we recommend is this spray lubricant which can be used on wire rope as well as chains. Applying this wire rope lubricant on a regular basis will greatly extend the working life of your wire ropes. The lubricant penetrates deep into the wires for lasting lubrication. Corrosion protection comes from the thin film left on the rope’s surface. The brown foaming spray is resistant to fling off and highly resistant to washing off. This can be extremely beneficial if used outdoors or in damp environments.
You can view the complete specification sheets for this wire rope lubricant here.
If you need help in advice on how to use lubricant with wire rope then call us on 01384 78004. One of our experts will be able to advise and also take your order.
During the manufacturing process of wire rope many different chemicals are used. Purposefully for keeping the rope well lubricated and also corrosion inhibitors etc. Many wire ropes will have oil, wax, bitumen, resin, gelling agent, corrosion inhibitors and other chemicals present. It is for this reason that care must be taken. Whether handling or working with wire rope to minimize potential problems.
At normal temperatures most of these chemicals will produce minimal hazards. However working with heated rope can cause extra hazards. The minor hazards are usually skin irritations. But this can be easily minimised by wearing the correct protective clothing whilst handling the wire rope. In particular oil impermeable gloves and aprons; good hand washing after handling will also help.
When working with heated rope fumes given off from the heated lubricants can cause quite nasty problems. Heated lubricants which come into contact with the skin can cause severe skin burns. Prolonged or repeated usage may cause longer term skin disorders such as dermatitis.
Inhaling fumes from lubricants that have been subject to heat can cause dizziness, headaches or irritation of the respiratory tract. For these reason concentrations of oil mists, vapours and fumes must be kept as low as possible. Eye contact may also produce mild irritation to some users.
You can reduce the chance of skin disorders; repeated or prolonged contact should be avoided where possible, and it is essential that all persons who handle these products should maintain good hygiene and high standards of safety.
Use oil impermeable gloves, and/or oil repellent barrier creams.
Avoid unnecessary contact with oils through the use of protective clothing.
first aid treatment should be sought for any injury, however small.
Wash hands thoroughly before eating, toileting and after handling the ropes.
Use conditioning/moisturising creams/lotions after washing if possible.
Put used/oil soaked rags or oily tools in pockets.
Use dirty rags for wiping oil from skin.
Wear oil soaked clothing.
Use solvents such as paraffin, petrol etc. To remove oil from the skin.
In conclusion the main area of hazard is through inhalation fumes generated by heat, e.g. where disc cutters are used. So always handle rope in a well ventilated area, especially when cutting, and always wear the correct protective clothing.
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